I've been up to a lot of no good this week. On top of trying
to get screenings going for my film "New Neighbor", I put up a piece
on the production of the three episodes of "The ABCS of Death" I was
on set for in my blog over at Monster Pictures, a DVD / Blu-ray label down in
If you want to check out that blog entry, click on this photo
of Arisa Nakamura I took on set as she attempts to "cut the cheese" for the camera on "F is
for Fart".
In more personal news, I went to the opening of "Cambiare",
AKA The Suspiria Bar, in the Golden Gai section of Shinjuku on 6 June 2013.
As I'm too lazy to write my own entry, I am copy-pasting the
Wiki entry on Golden Gai:

I've been going to Golden Gai off and on for a couple of
years now. One of the things I like about it is that it's quiet and in general, a good chill spot to meet up with friends. The things I don't like about it are that it
can be pricy and, as with most small bars in Japan, they have a table charge. (If you are
unsure if you are being charged to occupy chair space, you'll know for certain if the
bartender places some sort of food item in front of you. This can range from a
simple cup of peanuts to some sort of cooked item.) I guess if you drink like a fish a table charge is not a big deal, but I don't pound away the brew, and sometimes just want a single beer. I don't mean I milk a beer for hours on end, I mean, sometimes I have a beer and split. In that scenario a table charge is a huge pain in the ass.

But, as a long time fan of Goblin, Argento and of course the film
"Suspiria", there wasn't anyway I wasn't going to not spend the entire
20minutes it takes to get from my home to Golden Gai. I'd also
been invited to go by my friend Yoshiki Takahashi, who acted as an advisor on the
design of Cambiare.
Yoshiki and I hit our favorite yakiniku restaurant beforehand
where we reaffirmed our commitment to the nonproliferation of vegetarianism.
We walked in to find the place jam packed, which is totally
what I expected. People were pressed together and chatting fiercely with beers held close to their faces since arms couldn't be lowered - all while the Goblin song "Black Forest"
played over head.
In no time friends turned up. They included artist Miyako Kojima, heavy metal enthusiast Mika Tatamama, model / translator Haruka Hazard, dancer Maico Tsubaki, actor Yuya Ishikawa, impossible to describe Roserose Moonwitch and writer Kiichiro Yanashita, to name a few. Yeah, good friggin' times.

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a wall given over to any Escher prints like in the film. There also weren't any Suspiria items, like posters or lobby cards. I guess you could say that the bar is more about the art direction and style of Suspiria than Suspiria the movie. If this is so, I think they could do a little more to up the ante in this department with a few more bits from the film. But what the hell? A bar based on the art direction of "Suspiria"? Yeah baby!
On the way home I was thinking... "I should open a bar based on the art direction in Romero's zombie films! We can have the windows boarded up on one end, and on the other have a blow up photo of the second floor of the Monroeville Mall! Yeah, that's totally what I should do!
Until next time...